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Spencer Owen

The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and preserve change amid order - Alfred North Whitehead

Slack notifications with hyperv

I frequently start VM’s on a hyperV host using the following powershell

$SLACKUSERNAME = '@someone'
Copy-Item "$HVPATH\Templates" "$HVPATH\$HVNAME" -recurse
NEW-VM -ComputerName $HVCOMPUTERNAME -Name $HVNAME -MemoryStartupBytes $HVMEMORY -VHDPath "$HVPATH\$HVNAME\ubuntu\Virtual Hard Disks\ubuntu.vhdx" -Path $HVPATH -SwitchName "vSwitch" -BootDevice VHD -Generation 1
Get-VM -ComputerName $HVCOMPUTERNAME -VMName $HVNAME | Get-VMProcessor | Set-VMProcessor -Count $HVCPUS
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ComputerName $HVCOMPUTERNAME -VMName $HVNAME -Access -VlanId $HVVLAN
Start-VM -ComputerName $HVCOMPUTERNAME -VMName $HVNAME  

I’m using the awesome slack instant messaging application. It has an awesome API that lets you send messages through REST.

Steps to integrate:

  1. Add a custom incoming webhook

  2. Execute the following REST command


curl -s -X POST --data "payload={\"channel\":\"@somone\",\"username\":\"foobar\",\"text\":\"Your VM is ready @someone\"}"


$Slackjson = @{}
$ = '@someone'
$Slackjson.username = 'foobar'
$Slackjson.text = "@somone Your VM $HVNAME is ready on $HVCOMPUTERNAME"
$Slackjson = $Slackjson | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri -Body $Slackjson

Notice that I’m not sending the data to a channel, but instead am sending a direct message to myself. I found this trick here:

Now whenever I start a VM, I get a notification when it is booted up. This could be further extended to fetch the IP Address or any additional information that you want.